September 11, 2024 | University Partners

The Rise of AI: Impact Across Industries

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve, the Impact of AI is increasingly being felt across various sectors, from academia to creative industries. A series of engaging workshops was recently hosted, in partnership with esteemed organisations and local universities, to explore AI’s potential to transform our world. Thought leaders, industry experts, and curious minds were brought together to discuss how AI’s power can be harnessed while addressing the challenges it poses.

Our Collaboration with Teesside University

We were thrilled to collaborate with Teesside University, a valued UK University partner of BritCham Education Centre, to bring Dr. Gordon Marshall, the Associate Dean (International) of the School of Computing, Engineering, and Digital Technologies (SCEDT), to Indonesia. Dr. Gordon’s expertise provided an incredible foundation for these workshops, where he shared his insights on how the impact of AI is reshaping various fields. Furthermore, the participants appreciated the depth of knowledge Dr. Gordon brought to the table.

Page Executive: AI’s Role in Professional Development

On August 20, 2024, we hosted another stimulating session with Page Executive, moderated by Dea Meitry Dilista, Principal of Page Executive Southeast Asia. This workshop, “The Rise of AI: Transforming Industries and Professions,” focused on AI’s influence on various professional fields. Some of the key questions raised included:

  • Will prompt engineers to replace traditional graphic designers as AI-generated design becomes more prevalent? This opened a conversation about the future of creativity and the evolving role of designers.
  • How can AI’s transformer technology be leveraged across different industries? Participants discussed the potential and limitations of AI models like transformers in driving innovation and efficiency.
  • What are the key takeaways about AI that professionals across all sectors should know? Dr Gordon emphasised the importance of staying informed about AI advancements and understanding their implications for various careers.


HSBC Indonesia: AI and the Future of Work

On August 23, 2024, we partnered with HSBC Indonesia to host a workshop titled “The Rise of AI: Threat to Jobs—Truth or Myth?” Dr Gordon led a captivating discussion on the potential impacts of AI on the workforce. The session raised several intriguing questions:

  • Can decision-making be taken over by AI? This has sparked a debate about the balance between AI capabilities and the need for human expertise in complex decision-making.
  • How might AI evolve to become more human-like? Participants explored the idea that while AI depends on human data, it could still develop capabilities that challenge our understanding of intelligence.
  • What strategies can be used to train employees to provide value that AI can’t offer? This discussion focused on maintaining a human touch in industries where customer interaction is key


Universitas Pelita Harapan: Academic Integrity in the Age of AI

On August 26, 2024, we teamed up with Universitas Pelita Harapan to host a workshop titled “The Rise of AI—Utilising AI for Your Academic Writing.” The session explored how AI can enhance academic writing and research. Some fascinating questions were raised during the discussion:

  • Is ChatGPT legal for academic writing? This sparked a lively debate about the ethical and legal implications of using AI tools in scholarly work.
  • How will teachers and lecturers distinguish between AI-generated content and student work? Participants discussed the challenges of maintaining academic integrity in an age where AI can generate human-like text.


Universitas Multimedia Nusantara: AI’s Role in the Creative Industry

We continued the conversation on August 26, 2024, at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. This workshop focused on “The Rise of AI—Utilising AI for Your Academic Writing” and examined AI’s broader impact on creativity and innovation. Key questions included:

  • How do we compete with AI in the creative industry? The discussion centred on strategies for human creativity to thrive alongside AI innovations.


Universitas Prasetya Mulya: AI and Academic Excellence

In another engaging session, we partnered with Universitas Prasetya Mulya to explore AI’s transformative role in academic writing and research. The workshop highlighted:

  • The potential for AI to revolutionise academic research and improve the quality of scholarly work.

The participants eagerly engaged with Dr Gordon, raising questions that reflect the complexities of integrating AI into both education and the workforce.


Looking Ahead: AI’s Evolving Role

These workshops have shown us that AI’s role in academia and industry is rapidly evolving. While there are significant benefits, there are also challenges that require careful consideration. As we continue to explore these themes, we are committed to fostering dialogues that help our community navigate the impact of AI.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Dr Gordon Marshall for his thought-provoking insights and to all the universities—Universitas Pelita Harapan, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Universitas Prasetya Mulya, BINUS University—and companies like HSBC Indonesia and PageGroup for their collaboration in making these events successful.

Stay tuned for more updates from us at BritCham Education Centre as we continue to explore the fascinating world of AI and its implications for the future!

If you would like to know more about Teesside University and how we can help you get into Teesside, please contact us at or +62 812-1813-5090