August 22, 2023 | University Partners

Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) leads the way in health and social care research

A team of Glasgow Caledonian University health researchers are involved in a new multi-million-pound research project which will address knowledge gaps within healthcare, public health and social care, and is expected to inform major changes in health and social care policies.

The team, from the School of Health and Life Sciences’ Research Centre for Health (ReaCH) and the Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health, is part of a Scottish group who will conduct reviews of research evidence that the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) considers high priority for making decisions about health and social care policies.

This Scottish group has been named NESSIE, short for NIHR Evidence Synthesis Scotland InitiativE, and is co-led by Glasgow Caledonian University and the University of Edinburgh, and also involves the University of Stirling and University of Newcastle.

NIHR has funded nine research groups who will each receive £2.5million over five years, totalling £22.5 million in funding.

Professor Alex Todhunter-Brown, from ReaCH, who is co-leading this Scottish group, said: “I am really excited to be co-leading NESSIE. Our selection as one of the nine evidence synthesis groups from across the UK recognises the skills and expertise which researchers from Glasgow Caledonian have in conducting evidence syntheses relating to health and social care.

“Partnering with University of Edinburgh and other institutions brought real strength to our bid, combining the more medical, epidemiological and statistical strengths of the Usher Institute in Edinburgh, with our expertise in health and social care, mixed method reviews, and patient and public involvement in reviews.”

Each group will carry out projects requested directly by stakeholders, such as public health and social care providers, patients and the public.

Other GCU staff involved include Dr Pauline Campbell, Dr Katie Thomson, Dr Bridget Davis and Dr Ceri Sellers from ReaCH, and Dr Julie Cowie from the Yunus Centre.