[EXCLUSIVE!] Pave Your Way Into British Universities | SMAN 8 Jakarta

April 16, 2021 | 01 PM(Jakarta) | 06 AM(UK)

Event Info

On  Friday, 16 April afternoon, our BritCham Human Capital & Education team wrapped up our virtual visit to SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta!

It was a pleasure for our team to be able to share study preparations as well as the unforgettable experience of studying in the UK to over 170 grade 11 students at SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta.

We'd also like to thank the teachers, as well as parents of students who attended the session. We hope you found this session useful for your study and brought new perspectives!

If you have any further questions regarding study preparations, major choices and entry requirements to UK universities, get in touch with our team at educentre@britcham.or.id