Event Info
With the rise of FinTech and many forms of financial series we need to keep ourselves updated with the latest trend. It's time to take this opportunity to accelerate your career in accounting and financial industry with University of Exeter!
In an exclusive session to Universitas Airlangga, Rebecca Hill (Head of International Student Recruitment of University of Exeter Business School) shared some of the most crucial information career prospects and how to survive in the financial industry.
💡 University of Exeter is ranked 8th for Accounting and Finance (The TIMES Good University Guide 2021) and the Number 1 Business School in the UK for graduate destinations (HESA, DLHE 2017).
Special thanks to Ibu Dina Septiani and Ibu Astria Okta Herdiani of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) for the continuous support! We really appreciate the students of UNAIR who shared their most thoughtful questions during the session. Last but not least to Rebecca Hill for the brilliant presentation about University of Exeter. 😁💫
If you have further questions or would like to know more about University of Exeter, its top majors and how to get into the university, you can reach our team at educentre@britcham.or.id