July 15, 2024 | Knowledge Bank

Creativity Meets Practicality: Future for Urban Planning Graduates

Urban Planning is an interdisciplinary field focusing on designing, shaping and developing cities and its communities to co-exist functionally and sustainably. This field also puts a lot of emphasis on understanding housing laws and policies, as well as incorporating social, economic, environmental and legal aspects into its design to create a functional and sustainable city that meets the needs of its population.

Urban Planning graduates are equipped with the necessary skills to tackle various challenges related to urban development, such as transportation, environmental sustainability and social equity. In the UK, aside from studying, you can also gain first-hand career experience through the placement year option. Some of the best UK Universities to study Urban Planning are Loughborough University, University of Liverpool and UWE Bristol.

As urbanisation becomes more common, the demand for skilled Urban Planning graduates will only grow, highlighting the importance of investing in education and training in this field. Below are some of the most popular career options for Urban Planning graduates:

  • Urban Planner

Urban Planning graduates can use their knowledge and expertise to develop comprehensive plans and programs for the use of land and physical facilities in cities, countries and other regions or areas. Urban planners typically work closely with government officials, developers and community members to create plans that fulfil the needs of the community and environment.

Urban planners are also involved in the research process, data analysis, consultation with stakeholders and supervision of the plans for the area. With the skills obtained from their studies, urban planners are expected to identify community needs and develop plans based on those needs to ensure good use of the community’s land, facilities, services and resources.

This career path will also challenge you to become more creative, whether in thinking or designing. Planning and designing a city or region are some of the things that require you to think outside the box and use your creative mind!

  • Transportation Planner

An effective transportation system is one of many crucial parts of a city and urban life in general. As transportation planners of cities or regions, urban planning graduates will take on the role of analysing traffic patterns in the area, proposing infrastructure improvements, and promoting alternative modes of transportation for the community.

Transportation planners work closely with civil engineers and construction professionals in designing transportation systems and overseeing the implementation of said systems. They are focused not only on creating an effective transportation plan for the public, but also on reducing congestion, improving air quality, and enhancing accessibility for all residents.

  • Landscape Architect

Urban Planning graduates possess the necessary understanding and expertise in design that can be useful for many career paths, including being a landscape architect. Landscape architects mainly focus on creating models and designs for built and natural environments.

Landscape architects are involved in the creation of gardens, walkways, parks, green spaces and other landscape elements. If you are interested in beautifying and sustaining local ecosystems, this career path might be perfect for you!

  • Policy Analyst

This career path is suitable for those who want to pursue a career in the governmental sector. Policy analysts with a background in Urban Planning will analyse policies that affect urban areas. They also conduct research on emerging trends, evaluate policy options and advocate for evidence-based solutions to challenges that surface in the field.

Policy analysts can work in different kinds of institutions: government agencies, research institutes, advocacy groups and many more. By choosing this career path, Urban Planning graduates will leverage their expertise to influence decision-making processes and promote policies that will improve the quality of urban areas along with their residents.

Our university partners offer the best Urban Planning programmes with comprehensive modules that will prepare you to face different challenges and opportunities in the field. In addition, our university partners are also known for their huge industry network, namely Atkins, Amey, Skanska Infrastructure, Vinci Construction UK and many more. A good connection between universities and the industry will ensure good career placement opportunities for their students.


To get in touch with Loughborough University, University of Liverpool and UWE Bristol or to get more information on our university partners, contact us through our social media!
