[EXCLUSIVE!] Personal Statement 101: The Do’s, The Don’ts and The How’s with Leeds Beckett University | President University

14:00 PM Jakarta time / 8:00 AM UK time

Event Info

A very crucial part of your university application, personal statement is one of the factors that determine your acceptance to university. You need to make sure that it is personal and tailored to the study program and university you are applying to.

As requested by many students of President University, we invited Agung Adi Nugraha (Regional Officer, South East Asia) of Leeds Beckett University (LBU) to dive deep into the do's, the don'ts and how to excel your personal statement.

An alumnus of LBU himself, Agung Adi Nugraha shared that one of the challenges he faced was actually starting the personal statement itself! So.. better start now and take your time than rush your essay!

Special thanks to Pak JB Susetiyo, Ibu Chrisanny Agussyl and Ibu Lina R. of President University, Agung Adi Nugraha of Leeds Beckett University and the students for tuning in!

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